
My name is Catherine Munyori born and raised in Kenya, Africa. Growing up I did not have interest in hair because the religious denomination that my mom was a part of prohibited women braiding hair, so I did not care for it. When I went to college away from home seeing how beautiful my schoolmates looked with long hair, I desired to have long hair too. I looked for a salon to help me achieve that goal.

I did not know much about hair because they did all the work for me apart from simple maintenance.

After college I got married and moved to America and that`s when I realized I needed to know more about hair because I could not afford to go to the hair salon every week. Furthermore, by this time I had a baby girl.

The learning curve was not easy, we did not have YouTube then, so it was a real struggle.

When I got pregnant with my 5th child due to daycare costs, I decided to become a hairdresser so that I can work from home. So, I bought a mannequin and I started practicing braiding like a professional.

I would take my children to school in the morning, come back and practice for at least 4hours every day in the week. By the time I got my baby I knew how to braid hair well. I was just practising what I had seen my beautician do on my hair since there was no other way for me to learn.

It has been 12yrs since I started this journey, and I can truly say I have come to love doing hair and making women beautiful. I did not know I was gifted in this area. It’s one of those things I had to dig deep within myself.

I braid natural hair, sew-in weave extensions, install wigs and lace fronts wigs and much more.

I have come to love what I do and now I would like to extend this love to other beautiful women outside my little community to beautybycate community worldwide. By sharing the wigs, I use hair extensions and natural products to bring out exceptional beauty in women.