Beauty By Cate
How to care for your hair
Washing Instructions
- 1. Brush hair ends first, then the middle, and the top at last.
- 2. Fill a basin with lukewarm water and add a dash of conditioning shampoo.
- 3. Soak it for a couple of minutes and then wash it gently.
- 4. Rinse and comb it thoroughly in clean lukewarm water.
- 5. Do it again to make sure the hair is clean.
- 6. Cover the hair with the towel to soak up the water on it.
- 7. Let it dry naturally at room temperature.

Hair Care Tips
- 1. Brushing the hair gently can prevent the hair from falling out.
- 2. Deep conditioning the hair once every 2 or 3 weeks will help the hair to last longer.
- 3. Keep ends trimmed every 6 - 10 weeks can prevent tangles.
- 4. Perm & dye are recommended to professional stylists only.
Beauty By Cate
How To Care for you human hair wigs.
Washing Instructions
- 1. Brush hair ends first, then the middle, and the top at last.
- 2. Fill a basin with lukewarm water and deep the wig in. Then put some conditioner on the wig and run your finger through as a pre shampoo. Rise the conditioner off.
- 3. Soak for a couple of minutes with shampoo and then wash it gently. Rinse the shampoo out.
- 4. Apply conditioner as you run your finger through.Rinse it in clean lukewarm water and then comb it thoroughly to ensure there are no tangles.
- 5. Do it again to make sure the hair is clean.
- 6. Cover the hair with the towel to soak up the water on it.
- 7. Let it dry naturally at room temperature.

Hair Care Tips
- 1. Brushing the hair gently can prevent the hair falling out.
- 2. Deep condition the hair once a month, it will last longer.
- 3. Keep ends trimmed every 6 - 10 weeks can prevent tangles.
- 4. Perm & dye are recommended to professional stylist only
Beauty By Cate
Lace Front Wig Installation
Wig Installation
- A wig installation is the process of securing a wig in someone's head either using glue or wig combs and pins. This process it's dependent on one's preferences if you like taking off your wig everyday then comb, and pins would be the way to go. If you like to keep your wig for an extended period of time, then glue would work better for you.
- Lace front wigs come in different sizes. 4×4 closure 5×5 closure, 13×6 frontal and a 360-lace covering the entire head.

- Installation especially with lace adhesive can feel intimidating and also choosing which type to start with but it doesn't have to be. If you are a beginner start with 4×4 closure wig. That means the length of the lace is 4 inches long and 4 inches wide. This requires minimal care and experience. Once you're good in handling this closure wig you will be ready to handle the rest of them.